Benji the Hunted


Benji has become lost in a remote area of Oregon after a boating accident. He finds himself struggling to survive in the wilderness, avoiding close encounters with a timber wolf, a brown bear, and a territorial female cougar with her cub. Benji made friends with other animals including an owl, a fawn, two ferrets, a fox and a raccoon.

Shortly after washing ashore, Benji sees a cougar gunned down by a hunter. Benji attempts to comfort the dying animal, but is chased away by the hunter, who then retrieves the dead cat and marches off with her draped over his shoulders. Benji subsequently encounters four orphaned cougar cubs, belonging to the killed cougar, and he attempts to shield them from predation. He finds another mother cougar and spends most of the film trying to introduce the orphans to the mother so she will adopt them. Meanwhile, Benji's master, Frank Inn is searching for him by helicopter and Benji deliberately hides so as not to be prevented from saving the cubs.

Filmkategori: Familjefilm
Språk: Engelska
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Mina tankar om filmen:
En naturtrogen äventyrsfilm om hunden Benji. En fin historia och mycket fin natur.